Tuesday, June 4, 2019
Effective Utilization Of Human And Other All Resources Management Essay
Effective Utilization Of Human And Other All Resources Management EssayDeveloping rough-and-ready management skills to train with particular proposition desire challenges and problems of all(prenominal) musical arrangement is the urgent need of numerous businesses and organizations in the global competitive environment, continues changing of technology and environment. The new tendency of training and development of successful organizations oer the world today is developing effective skills in dealing with specific challenge of their own organization to reach their own goals and objectives in the new organization that characterized by net give outed, flat, flexible, diverse, global organization.Effective Management Skills to help volume and organization improving their own effectiveness and skill. Globalization and continues developing technology shows we argon in a period of intense competition.Proper management is springy in these complex environments.The quality of bus an d effective management styles can determine the polish of the organisation, the productivity of its staff, and, ultimately, success or failure. A coach-and-four should down the great power to direct, supervise, encourage, inspire, and co-ordinate, and in doing so facilitate action and guide change. passenger vehicles develop their own leading qualities and those of others. Management utilizes supply, organisational and communications skills. These skills ar important in leadership in any case, but even more so are qualities such as equity, honesty, courage, commitment, sincerity, passion, determination, compassion and sensitivity.An effective manager of an organization should throw away the following skills.Creative Problem Solving SkillsDescribing and analyzing a problem.Identifying ca works of a problem.Developing creative options and choosing the high hat course of action.Implementing and evaluating effective and efficiency of the decision.Communication SkillsListe ning skills.Presentation skills.Feedback Skills.Report writing skills.Conflict Management SkillsIdentifying sources of conflict functional and dysfunctional conflicts. understand personal style of conflict resolution.Choosing the silk hat strategy for dealing with a conflict.Developing skills in promoting constructive conflicts in organization and squads.Negotiation SkillsDistinguishing distributive and integrative negotiations, position and principle negotiation.Identifying common mistakes in negotiation and manners to avoid them.Developing rational sentiment in negotiationDeveloping effective skills in negotiation that benefits all founderies involved.Self-Awareness and ImprovementUnderstanding the concept of self-management.Evaluate the effectiveness of self-management.Developing creative and holistic thinking.Understanding the importance of emotions in works as well in self-development.Understand of self-motivation.in effect managing self-learning and change.There are cert ain other qualities required for a good manager to manage his staff.PlannerA Manager has to take a long view while a team member lead be working towards cognize and established goals, the manager must look further in advance so that these goals are selected wisely. By thinking about the eventual consequences of different plans, the manager selects the optimal plan for the team and implements it. The manager ensures that work is not tell nor problems tackled too late, and that the necessity mental imagerys are allocated and arranged.ProviderThe Manager has access to information, which the team needs. The role of a manager is important because authority, which the manager holds uniquely indoors the team and the manager, must exercise the power for the benefit of the team for the effective productivity.ProtectorIn any company, there are problems, which can deflect the work force. The manager should be there to guard against these and to protect the team. If a new project emerg es which not given an impossible deadline. If roundone in your team brings forward a good plan, you must ensure that it receives a fair hearing and that your team knows and understands the outcome. If someone is in your team has a problem at work, you have to deal with it.Inspires a Shared VisionAn effective manager is often described as having a vision of where to go and the ability to articulate it.Qualities of a ManagerA manager has to direct, inspire and motivate his men at work. He has to clearly tidy sum forth the objectives for them and inject in them enthusiasm to achieve the objectives. He has to be a competent person in the area of his specialization. He must be a man of open mind, moral and emotional integrity and cap fit to understand and solve problems.It is difficult to give an exhaustive list of all traits and qualities which go to make a successful manager. However, some of the important traits add to the success of managers are as followsAbility to thinkIt is dif ficult to think and think clearly and purposefully. Ability to think in clear terms and with certain(prenominal) purpose in view is a must for a manager to succeed. He must be able to think rationally.Broad visionA manager must be able to take into consideration the overall effect of his functioning on the company as a whole. Sectarian view, thinking in terms of my department, is not conductive to the smooth working of the company. Therefore, a manager must take a comprehensive view of each of hia action. slip by ExpressionOne of the functions of a manager is to direct his subordinates. It means he must communicate with them. Effective communication depends upon clarity of expression. Even the best conceived sentiment or instruction is worthless unless it can be communicated effectively. Therefore,Technical AbilityThough a manager need not be a technician, it is necessary that he birthes the necessary degree of technical competence relating to his field. This would help him to ha ndle his subordinates effectively. Technical skills are more important at the supervisory level.Human transaction skillsHuman relation skills refer to ones ability to work well with others on a person to person basis and to build up cooperative convocation relations to accomplish organizational goals. A manager must keep in mind that he has to lead his subordinates and not to drive them. He should possess adequate knowledge of the factors and forces which go to ensure good relations, motivate people for best of their performance and generate cooperative and competent human behavior.Good CommunicatorThe ability to communicate with people is the most important skill by managers and team members. The Manager is also the teams link to the larger organisation. He must have the ability to effectively negotiate and use persuasion when necessary to ensure the success of the team and project. Through effective communication, manager support individual and team achievements by creating guid elines for accomplishing tasks and for the career advancement of team members.EnthusiasmIf Managers are negative they bring staffs down. Manager with enthusiasm, with a bounce in their step, with a can-do attitude. Many people tend to follow people with a can-do attitude. Enthusiastic Managers are committed to their goals and express this commitment by optimism.CompetenceManagers will be elect based on their ability to successfully lead others rather than on technical expertise, as in the past. Having a winning track record is the su tranquility way to be considered competent. Expertise in management skills is other dimension in competence. The ability to challenge, inspire, enable, model and encourage must be demonstrated if managers are to be seen as capable and competent.Ability to assign TasksTrust is an essential element in the relationship of manager and his or her team. You demonstrate your trust in others through and through your actions how much you check and control t heir work, how much you delegate and how much you allow people to participate.Cool Under PressureIn a perfect world, projects would be delivered on time, under budget and with no major problems or obstacles to overcome. A leader with a hardy attitude will take these problems in stride. When leaders encounter a stressful event, they consider it interesting, they feel they can influence the outcome and they see it as an opportunity.Team-Building SkillsA team builder can best be defined as a strong person who provides the substance that holds the team together in common purpose toward the right objective. In install for a team to progress from a group of strangers to a single cohesive unit, the leader must understand the process and dynamics required for this transformation. He or she must also know the discriminate leadership style to use during each stage of team development. The leader must also have an understanding of the different team players styles and how to capitalise on e ach at the proper time, for the problem at hand.Communicate the big pictureIf you want your employees to work hard and be committed to your business, you have to keep them in the loop. Open communication helps foster loyalty and gives employees a sense of pride. It helps them understand how their work contributes to the companys success.Delegate work and responsibilities few employees, share their workload with them and assign the work according to peoples strengths and weaknesses, and let employees develop their own good work habits and abilities.Help employees set goals displace deadlines and goals helps keep employees focused, busy and motivates them to do their work. Talk to each of your employees about the companys goals, and work with them to set individual goals directly linked to your businesss mission. Make sure employees understand their headmaster growth path in the company.Recognize problemsIt is impossible to know about personality conflicts, lagging productivity or ot her problems in the office if you have your head in the sand. If you notice a change in an employees work habits or attitude, try to get to the root of the problem before it starts affecting the rest of your staff.Organizational AbilityA manager must be a good organizer. Ability to organise well is a quality of a vital importance to make a successful manager.Dynamic PersonalityA manager must possess the desire to move ahead, to introduce change for better, to do something new. He must always look for doing something bigger and better.Emotional StabilityA manager must be able to keep his personal likes and dislikes away from his organizational responsibility. It means that in solving the business problems of his company, he must not allow his personal feeling to influence his decisions. This requires stable emotional feelings. equityA manager must enjoy the unshakable confidence of both his superiors and subordinates. Botha as a person and in his actions, he must be known as a person of high moral integrity. He must remember the saying that it is not enough to be good, one must also appear to be good.Roles of a ManagerManagement is the effective utilization of human and material resources to achieve the enterprise objectives. The human resources or people use material resources such as machines, materials and money. It is for the management to ensure that people use material resources in the most efficient manner. Only then the objectives of the enterprise could be achieved. For the effective utilization of resources, the workers may be given adequate instructions and training. They mustalso be properly motivated so that they work with loyalty and loyalty for the achievement of organisational objectives.For this, every manager guides and direct the efforts of a group of persons in the organisation. He defines the objectives of his group keeping in view the overall objectives of the enterprise. apiece member of the group is assigned a specific task so that the targets of the group as a whole may be achieved. This is necessary for achieving the objectives of enterprise.Some of the characteristic that are common to most of the managers are as followsManagers spend a major portion of their time in achieving coordination between human and non-human resources.Managers do much work at an unrelenting pace.Managerial tasks are characterized by brevity, variety, and fragmentation.Managers prefer live action- brief, specific, well-defined activities that are current, non-routine, and non-reflective.Managers prefer oral to written communication.Managers take for a vast number of contacts, spending most time with subordinates, linking them with superiors and others in a complex network.It has observed that managing involves certain functions. While performing these functions, a manager has to play multiple roles. A role consist of the behavior patterns displayed by a manager within an organisation or a functional unit. henry Mintzberg identified t en basic roles performed by managers at all levels from foreman to chief executives and classified them under three heads interpersonal, informational and decisional. These roles describe what managers actually do.Interpersonal RolesThe starting signal set of behaviour concerns interpersonal roles, which include the followingFigurehead Executive managers perform a number of ceremonial duties such as hold still foring their firm at public affairs and overseeing official functions. Lower level managers have ceremonial duties as well, perhaps on a lesser scale, including attending employees customers.Leader This encompasses a range of duties suggested earlier including motivating workers, guiding work-related behavior, and encouraging activities that help achieve organisational objectives.Liaison Managers find themselves acting as liaison between groups and individuals which are part of, or come in contact with, an organisation. This liaison role is important for establishing contact s with suppliers, coordinating activities among work groups, and encouraging harmony needed to assure effective performance.Informational RolesInformational roles are concerned with communication among individuals and groups, but, managers must also be skilled in gathering and using information to help make effective decisions. They should be able communicators who can transmit information and articulate decisions. Mintzbergs three informational roles are as followsMonitor Managers monitor activity, solicit information, gather data, and observe behaviour. Well-informed managers are wide-awake for decision-making and can redirect behavior to improve organizational performance.Disseminator Here communications are reversed. Rather than receive information, managers transmit information. Obviously, this is a crucial looking of management. Subordinates, superiors and managers of similar work groups rely on timely of information disseminated with clarity.Spokesperson Top executives find themselves more involved as spokespersons than lower-level managers. A firms policy on competition, its philosophy customer care and its commitment to safety are topics common in executive speeches. However, managers at all levels are spokespersons who may be called upon to represent their groups. For example, when department heads meet to discuss operating budgets, they must be prepared to present information and support budget requests of their respective departments.Decisional RolesMintzberg identified four roles within the list of his behaviour set. These are as followsEntrepreneur In recent years, entrepreneurs have been identified with the commitment to innovation. Managers in complex organisation act in entrepreneurial way, by constantly trying to improve their operations. They seek new ways of using resources, new technologies for enhanced performance, and new systems of organizing human resources.Disturbance manager This may be the best understood role of managers because they have always had the primary responsibility for resolving problems. It may also be the most stressful role as managers seem to find themselves constantly faced with disturbances that threaten the harmony and effectiveness of the organisations.Resource Allocator The third role links planning and organizing functions and organizing functions. Managers must plan to meet their objectives and distribute resources accordingly. There will never be sufficient time, money, materials, or manpower to accomplish all that is expected, so resource allocation offers involve carefully assigning scarce resources.Negotiator The allocation process bears on the role of negotiator. When scarce resources must be shared among many operating units, managers with superior negotiating skills will have advantages over others. However, negotiating extends to many managerial activities both inside and outside the firm. Purchase manager. For example, negotiates material prices and terms. Personnel manager n egotiates merger contracts. Negotiating, of course, doesnt mean conflict but it does imply face to face bargaining between managers and employees to resolve problems or formulate performance expectations.The ability to recognize the appropriate role to be played and to change roles readily is a mark of an effective manager. However, it may be concluded that at lower level, some of the decisional roles and informational roles are more important whereas at the top level interpersonal roles and decisional roles are of greater significance. At the middle level of management, informational roles are found to be more common.Effective dealing of ProblemsThe first step in dealing with a problem employee is to identify the trouble. Many times, a simple, honest talk with an employee will displace issues such as occasional tardiness or minor attitude problems. Coaching requires a manager to work one-on-one with problem employees or to assign another employee to work with the employee to over come their shortcomings. The mentor should provide the employee with feedback and solutions for improving their performance. Coaching requires patience and a substantial time investment, but it can help modify an employees behavior. suffering performancePoor performance is not always due to a lack of skills the employee may simply be disorganized or sloppy. These habits can normally be corrected with proper guidance. If performance difficulties relate to a lack of skills, consider coaching or additional training.Job incompatibilityIn some cases an employee becomes a problem because their skills arent compatible with their assigned tasks or regular duties. In this case, offering the employee additional training or assigning them a different set of tasks is usually the most appropriate course of action.Sloppy workWhen you notice that, an employee has made some errors, point out the mistakes to the employee and monitors their work more closely. If the problem persists, peach with the employee and detail the most serious examples of problems with their work. Remember to remain positive and focus on how important the employees contribution is to the company.Create an effective messageConsider the specific informational needs of executives, middle managers, supervisors and employees, and tailor your message to fit each audience. An effective message should also explain how your employees day-to-day duties directly affect the companys performance and should colligate on the values and pride of the employees. A direct, face-to-face interaction can help reinforce positive attitudes inspire employees and help them adapt to the change.Listen to your employeesEmployee feedback is deprecative in managing change. Holding focus groups with employees is a great way to gauge reaction and monitor the progress of change. You also can encourage employees to provide feedback through email or the company intranet. Communication is the cornerstone to successful change management. Talking to your employees is not a one-time event, and you need to reinforce your message by communicating early and often.To be an effective manager you must know yourself, your strengths and your weaknesses, and those of the people around you. You must know your objectives and have a plan of how to achieve them. You must build a team of people that share your commitment to achieve those objectives, and you must help each team member to achieve their best which will be able to attain a common goal.
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