Friday, May 31, 2019

The American Dream in the Works of John Steinbeck and Hunter S. Thompso

Two writers who come quickly to my musical theme whenever I adjudicate or see images of American patriotism be John Steinbeck and Hunter S. Thompson. As different as these two men atomic number 18, their writing is similar in that the American Dream constantly fails their characters. some(prenominal) seek to define America and the American Dream, however, it remains seemingly elusive, and both writers fail to pick up it. I train Steinbeck and Thompson because, to me, their writing styles are the same. They have the same lust for language and powerful writing. Their subjects are contemporary they are non necessarily object lesson or upright, just are average people. Both view the world in the same sad way, that people are as easily conduct to beauty as deceit, joy to sorrow and life to death. There are certain truths in their writing that is not expressed elsewhere consequences that we might not always exchangeable to believe exist. I also choose Steinbeck and Thompson in that they are representative of the twentieth century. Steinbeck neatly covers the first half more or less, and Thompson from the sixties to present. Both authors have also experienced a number of failures. Steinbeck has been called sentimental, overdrawn, boring and grossly contrived. While this may be true, for example, the killing of Candys dog as a allegory for the killing of Lenny in Of Mice and Men. Steinbeck received attention after Tortilla Flats was published. Since because, he has become one of the most popular authors of the twentieth century and won a Nobel assess in Literature in 1962. Thompson, who has been called separates less polite, continues to be a dynamic force in modern American writing, because he broke established rules of writing and journalism. Thompson, who flunked out of Columbia, also worked hard before gaining fame for Hells Angels. His popularity continues today with his cult following of fans. Rather interesting is that both men are alcoholics. On e of Steinbecks operate books is Travels With Charley in which the old man and his poodle take a road trip in a custom built transport named Rosinante. This book is my least(prenominal) favorite here, sentimental, overdrawn, boring and grossly contrived apply greatly. Steinbeck records faithfully how he procured his truck, meets with his sons one last time before setting off, then hurtles across the country, interviewing cowboys and common people. He makes brief comments on current events suc... ...Fear, the characters are even accused of being un-American. Once in California, the Joads and their friend Casey (the preacher) hear irrelevant talk of "reds". The reds, are of course, communists, and those who are not communists but want to offer people a better standard of living. It is talk of unionizing that ultimately leads to the death of Casey and wherefore young turkey cock Joad must leave his family. He swears to live out Caseys dream. Thompson, while sitting in a bar in Aspen, finds a precedent astronaut (whose name was deleted at the insistence of publishers lawyers), hassling a band that plays songs with some un-American sentiments. Thompson, as Raoul Duke, admonishes the bullish spaceman - "Hey, Im an American and I agree with all word he says, When the astronaut is asked by a young boy for an autograph, the spaceman is aghast when the boy rips the slip of paper up, proving just how worthless the spacemans " endurance" is. So where do we go from here? Is the American Dream all meaningless imagery and puffery symbolism? Or is it something attainable, like money and power? Does it rattling exist? If so, why does it elude so many writers and everyday people? The American Dream in the Works of John Steinbeck and Hunter S. ThompsoTwo writers who come quickly to my mind whenever I hear or see images of American patriotism are John Steinbeck and Hunter S. Thompson. As different as these two men are, their writing is similar in that the American Dream constantly fails their characters. Both seek to define America and the American Dream, however, it remains seemingly elusive, and both writers fail to find it. I choose Steinbeck and Thompson because, to me, their writing styles are the same. They have the same lust for language and powerful writing. Their subjects are contemporary they are not necessarily moral or upright, but are average people. Both view the world in the same sad way, that people are as easily led to beauty as deceit, joy to sorrow and life to death. There are certain truths in their writing that is not expressed elsewhere consequences that we might not always like to believe exist. I also choose Steinbeck and Thompson in that they are representative of the twentieth century. Steinbeck neatly covers the first half more or less, and Thompson from the sixties to present. Both authors have also experienced a number of failures. Steinbeck has been called sentimental, overdrawn, b oring and grossly contrived. While this may be true, for example, the killing of Candys dog as a metaphor for the killing of Lenny in Of Mice and Men. Steinbeck received attention after Tortilla Flats was published. Since then, he has become one of the most popular authors of the twentieth century and won a Nobel Prize in Literature in 1962. Thompson, who has been called names less polite, continues to be a dynamic force in modern American writing, because he broke conventional rules of writing and journalism. Thompson, who flunked out of Columbia, also worked hard before gaining fame for Hells Angels. His popularity continues today with his cult following of fans. Rather interesting is that both men are alcoholics. One of Steinbecks last books is Travels With Charley in which the old man and his poodle take a road trip in a custom built truck named Rosinante. This book is my least favorite here, sentimental, overdrawn, boring and grossly contrived apply greatly. Steinbeck records f aithfully how he procured his truck, meets with his sons one last time before setting off, then hurtles across the country, interviewing cowboys and common people. He makes brief comments on current events suc... ...Fear, the characters are even accused of being un-American. Once in California, the Joads and their friend Casey (the preacher) hear strange talk of "reds". The reds, are of course, communists, and those who are not communists but want to offer people a better standard of living. It is talk of unionizing that ultimately leads to the death of Casey and why young Tom Joad must leave his family. He swears to live out Caseys dream. Thompson, while sitting in a bar in Aspen, finds a former astronaut (whose name was deleted at the insistence of publishers lawyers), hassling a band that plays songs with some un-American sentiments. Thompson, as Raoul Duke, admonishes the bullish spaceman - "Hey, Im an American and I agree with every word he says, When the astronaut is asked by a young boy for an autograph, the spaceman is aghast when the boy rips the slip of paper up, proving just how worthless the spacemans "heroism" is. So where do we go from here? Is the American Dream all meaningless imagery and puffery symbolism? Or is it something attainable, like money and power? Does it actually exist? If so, why does it elude so many writers and everyday people?

Thursday, May 30, 2019

The Rising Cost of Health Care Essay -- essays research papers

Rising medical comprises atomic number 18 a worldwide problem, but nowhere are they higher than in the U.S. Although Americans with good health insurance coverage may get the best medical treatment in the world, the health of the average American, as measured by life expectancy and infant mortality, is below the average of other major industrial countries. Inefficiency, fraud and the expense of malpractice suits are often blest for high U.S. costs, but the major reason is overinvestment in technology and personnel. at that place are three issues when it comes to the health care cost rising. The first is the rising cost in prescription drugs. The second area of rising cost is the increased technologies when it comes to the medical industry. The third problem is the aging population. Prescription drugs are the area of the speedy growing health care expense, and it is projected to grow at 20 to 30 percent each year over the next several years. There are many newer, more expensive drugs on the market, and the use of these prescriptions is exploding. In addition, with so much television advertising, many consumers ask their doctors for expensive, brand name drugs when thither may actually be a generic drug that works just as well. Over the past decade, scientists have made significant advancements in the treatment of certain diseases. Unfortunately, just like any new product, the cost of developing these new technologies and treatments is extremely high. Plus, unlike other technology, heath technolo...

Wednesday, May 29, 2019

The Hottest Workout: Bikram Yoga :: Exercise Health Fitness Papers

The Hottest Workout Bikram YogaImagine a 240-pound professional football player stretching his sweat-drenched body to its limits in ignite of more than 110 degrees. This scene doesnt take place on a football field, but in a heated Bikram yoga studio where legion(predicate) athletes and everyday people are going to cure and prevent aches and pains. Yoga, as a way to achieve higher self-awareness, was around as early as 200 B.C. in India and has been gradually growing in popularity in the western earthly concern over the past four decades. Traditional styles of yoga, including Hatha yoga, which consists of thousands of poses, subscribe to long been study as an effective form of complimentary or alternative medicine (CAM).The biggest yoga exposit has occurred over the past decade according to statistics from the International stand of Yoga Therapists. The Association estimates there were 20 one million million million Americans practicing near form of yoga in 2002 compared to 6 million in 1994.Increased awareness of yoga as a healing method along with high-profile celebrity endorsements have contributed to the growing numbers of yoga users recently. Madonna and Kareem Abdul-Jabbar are close to famous yogis that have been students of Bikram Choudhury, who founded his own style of hot yoga in India. Dina Lancour, a Hatha yoga instructor from Agawam, Massachusetts, took a Bikram yoga class under Choudhury. It reminded me of Indian sweat tents, Lancour said. It becomes very reflective and deep.Proponents of Bikram yoga and medical specialists have noted the health realises of hot yoga. Other yoga practitioners and teachers have expressed concerns about the safety of practicing yoga in a hot room and some yoga purists question the motives of the founder, noting that his style is too outwardsly focused. According to an article in the Charleston Gazette (March 24,2004) some yoga traditionalists believe the attention yoga has received in mainstream media and chore is damaging to the ancient practice.Newer students of yoga are more concerned about how they wait rather than the spiritual basis for yoga the article stated. Yoga purists believe focus on the outward image overlooks the true goals of yoga, which are more spiritually focused.Bikram yoga incorporates 26 of the Hatha poses and cardinal breathing exercises in a specific order to get the maximum benefit for the body, said Megan Cooney, a certified Bikram instructor, who teaches at three studios in the capital of Massachusetts area. Choudhury developed the Bikram style after he suffered an knee injury from weight training.The Hottest Workout Bikram Yoga Exercise Health Fitness PapersThe Hottest Workout Bikram YogaImagine a 240-pound professional football player stretching his sweat-drenched body to its limits in heat of more than 110 degrees. This scene doesnt take place on a football field, but in a heated Bikram yoga studio where many athletes and everyday people are going to cure and prevent aches and pains. Yoga, as a way to achieve higher self-awareness, was around as early as 200 B.C. in India and has been gradually growing in popularity in the western world over the past four decades. Traditional styles of yoga, including Hatha yoga, which consists of thousands of poses, have long been studied as an effective form of complimentary or alternative medicine (CAM).The biggest yoga boom has occurred over the past decade according to statistics from the International Association of Yoga Therapists. The Association estimates there were 20 million Americans practicing some form of yoga in 2002 compared to 6 million in 1994.Increased awareness of yoga as a healing method along with high-profile celebrity endorsements have contributed to the growing numbers of yoga users recently. Madonna and Kareem Abdul-Jabbar are some famous yogis that have been students of Bikram Choudhury, who founded his own style of hot yoga in India. Dina Lancour, a Hatha yoga ins tructor from Agawam, Massachusetts, took a Bikram yoga class under Choudhury. It reminded me of Indian sweat tents, Lancour said. It becomes very meditative and deep.Proponents of Bikram yoga and medical specialists have noted the health benefits of hot yoga. Other yoga practitioners and teachers have expressed concerns about the safety of practicing yoga in a hot room and some yoga purists question the motives of the founder, noting that his style is too outwardly focused. According to an article in the Charleston Gazette (March 24,2004) some yoga traditionalists believe the attention yoga has received in mainstream media and business is damaging to the ancient practice.Newer students of yoga are more concerned about how they look rather than the spiritual basis for yoga the article stated. Yoga purists believe focus on the outward image overlooks the true goals of yoga, which are more spiritually focused.Bikram yoga incorporates 26 of the Hatha poses and two breathing exercises in a specific order to get the maximum benefit for the body, said Megan Cooney, a certified Bikram instructor, who teaches at three studios in the Boston area. Choudhury developed the Bikram style after he suffered an knee injury from weight training.

Plath - A Rebuttal of the Feminist Label :: Biography Biographies Essays

Plath - A Rebuttal of the Feminist Label Sylvia Plath has long been hailed as a libber writer of great significance. In her 1976 book Literary Women, Ellen Moers writes, No writer has meant more to the current feminist movement (qtd. in Wagner 5), and still today, at a time when the idea of equality for women isnt so radically revolutionary as it had been earlier in the century, Plath is a literary symbol of the womens rights movement. Roberta Mazzenti quotes Robert A. Piazza as writing that there is little feminist consciousness in Plaths work, and goes on to explain that because Plaths work is being read... by ratifiers searching for political sustenance, feminist archetype that the author never held can easily be attributed to her writing (201). This kind of misguided attribution is illustrated in the opinions of critics like Sheryl Meyering, who states that Sylvia Plaths intense desire to be judge by men and to eventually marry and have children was purely a product of the constrictive 1950s social mentality during which the author came to womanhood (xi). A thorough examination of the Plath oeuvre paints a different picture, however. Although Plaths awareness of and distaste for the submissive and insubstantial character reference a woman in the 1950s was anticipate to play is apparent from her early journals to the poems completed in the last month of her life, that same body of work also makes plain that she had accepted some of that role for herself on her own terms a common theme throughout the writing is the authors intense desire to be a beloved and loving married woman and, perhaps even more strong, her desire to become a mother--as long as she could still speak from within her deeper self through her writing. In 1953, at age 20, Plath wrote in her journal I must find a strong potential powerful mate who can counter my vibrant moral force self sexual and intellectual, and while comradely, I must admire him respect and admiration must equat e with the object of my love (that is where the remnants of paternal, godlike qualities come in). (Journals, 73) Here, the reader finds no hint of misandrist resistance to the idea of a strong attachment to a mate. Indeed, it seems obvious that Plath was searching for an equal to accompany her through all the aspects of a multifaceted life.

Tuesday, May 28, 2019

Critical Appreciation of William Blakes London :: essays papers

Critical Appreciation of William Blakes capital of the United Kingdom William Blake who lived in the latter half of the eighteenth blow and the early part of the nineteenth century was a poet, a philosopher, a radical, an artist, and a great thinker who was able to bring about remarkable results with the simplest of agency in all of his work. He wrote his poems with deep personal emotions but if we look further and ignore the prophetic qualities we discover a further intended meanings of a strong political and social level. He was a critic of his own era but his poetry also strikes a chord in ours. He was one of several poets of the time who restored emotion and feelings into poetry, and so was one of the first romantics. Blake lived during a period of intense social changes, the industrial revolution, the French revolution and the American revolution all happened during his lifetime. Blake was witness to the transformation of a agricultural society to an industrial society, w hich is where the basis for some of his poems stand. As an example, we may look towards William Blakes capital of the United Kingdom from his songs of experience, here Blake comments on a city he twain loves and hates, it shows his disapproval of changes which occurred in his times. Blake describes the woes that the Industrial revolution and the breaking of the common mans ties to the land results in. He uses umteen methods to gain the perfect description of how he saw industrial London but the most outstanding method is his use of vision. His first use of imagery is the first and second lines of the first stanza, he uses the words charterd streets and charterd Thames. A charter is a court-ordered document which gives legal powers to the council of a town or city which allows them to be able to create there own laws within the boundaries of that place. The imagery suggests that not only do the streets of London have to follow the rules but that the River Thames ha s to be regulated as well. The lawmakers have tamed and controlled a free flowing river. This use of imagery emphasises that everything in the city including natural forces are enslaved by the city. In the next line, Marks of weakness, marks of woe, there could be a play on words, Mark means both to see or to notice but then again there could be another meaning like a physical mark upon persons face like a sign of grief or misery.

Critical Appreciation of William Blakes London :: essays papers

Critical Appreciation of William Blakes London William Blake who lived in the latter half of the eighteenth speed of light and the early part of the nineteenth century was a poet, a philosopher, a radical, an artist, and a great thinker who was able to bring about remarkable results with the simplest of means in all of his work. He wrote his poems with sound personal senses still if we look further and ignore the prophetic qualities we discover a further intended meanings of a strong political and social level. He was a critic of his own era but his poetry also strikes a chord in ours. He was one of several poets of the time who restored emotion and feelings into poetry, and so was one of the first romantics. Blake lived during a period of intense social changes, the industrial revolution, the French revolution and the American revolution all happened during his lifetime. Blake was witness to the transmutation of a agricultural society to an industrial society, which is whe re the basis for some of his poems stand. As an example, we may look towards William Blakes London from his songs of experience, here Blake comments on a urban center he both loves and hates, it shows his disapproval of changes which occurred in his times. Blake describes the woes that the Industrial revolution and the breaking of the common mans ties to the land results in. He uses many methods to gain the perfect description of how he saw industrial London but the most outstanding method is his use of imagery. His first use of imagery is the first and second lines of the first stanza, he uses the words charterd streets and charterd Thames. A charter is a legal document which gives legal powers to the council of a town or city which allows them to be able to create there own laws within the boundaries of that place. The imagery suggests that not only do the streets of London have to follow the rules but that the River Thames has to be regulated as well. The lawmaker s have tamed and controlled a free flowing river. This use of imagery emphasises that everything in the city including natural forces are enslaved by the city. In the next line, Marks of weakness, marks of woe, there could be a play on words, Mark means both to see or to notice but then again there could be another meaning like a physical mark upon someones face like a sign of grief or misery.

Monday, May 27, 2019

Game Not over, Not Yet

Game Not Over, Not Yet Electronics Arts (EA) competitive prefer from the locating of the industrial organization view (I/O) is their choice of industry is very attractive. Todays world consist of many people who spend several hours playing video games. EA is from this aspect is stacking up ok against their competitors but they are also failing in their lay out(a). EAs sales are down from previous years and they also missed the sign social gaming trend of which they are now trying hard to develop a digital platform for many of their popular games.The next perspective is resource-based view (RBV). EAs resource based view in the past was great until the digital gaming came on board. EA was used to the technology at that clipping when they were popular for their games such as Madden NFL and Battlefield. It seems theyve lost their innovative touch now that most games are becoming digital and they were not in position to enter into that digital platform and social gaming. EA was know n for their resources because they had the human, physical, intangible, structural/cultural, and financial assets to develop produce and deliver to their customers.They seemed to founder all the resources needed when they had their competitive advantage but Electronics Arts did not prepare themselves for the changes in the behavior of consumers and retailers or trends which is now causing them to loose their competitive advantage. What they were producing had value but was not obsolete enough and could be exploited by other companies who were willing to take them on. From the perspective of guerilla view EAs competitive advantage was definitely temporary.They lacked the efficacy to change and radically surprise competitors with strategic actions and as a company their focus of analysis both external and internal was failing. EA was not able to slip away their before track record of disrupting current situations that would aide in helping them to maintain their competitive advant age. Yes, EA does exhibits the critical factors for the new business context. They now lay down a new CEO who is on board and is brining back the discipline needed in order to stay on top.Their new CEO has found out what caused them to give up their status and is implementing it. They are starting back at square one of having designers identify the notional center of a game, understanding their customers by using small focus groups, and sharing best practices and technologies through their intranet library. They are also disciplining the necessary peoplethe next generation and project management. The resource EA appears to have are the human resources, intangible assets, structural/cultural assets, and finances.I feel that the human resources is a unique thing to have because it is hard to acquire people who have the experience, characteristics, knowledge, judgment, wisdom, skills, abilities, and competencies needed to achieve the company goal. Also although their financial status is not what it used to be they still have enough money to invest and be innovative again. The only ethical and social responsibility issues I merchant ship see them dealing with possibly replicating another companies digital platform.The only way to cut across that is by coming up with their own and patenting it or even by just expanding their already owned brand names patents and databases. EA has to learn how to be creative again. The only stakeholders EA might have to be concerned with are the groups or individuals who can influence their companys decisions, which at some point can possibly be their competitors which will directly affect them. References Coulter, M. (2013). Strategic management in action. (6th ed. ). Upper Saddle River, N. J. Pearson Education, Inc.

Sunday, May 26, 2019

Ch 9 Criminal Justice Administration

1)What factors contribute to the correctional populations? What impact do drug laws have on them? a. Truth-in-sentencing laws have contributed to the increase as soundly as failure to rehabilitate. The increase and crack down on drug related laws have contributed a significant portion of the population. 2)What are some of the study administrative positions within a prison system? a. Some of the study administrative positions are prison bespeakor, public affairs coordinator, legislative liason, legal advisors, interior affairs representative, health care professionals, correctional program professionals, and human management. )How do supermax prisons operate differently from other prisons? What concearns have been raised concerning the alleged effects on confidence tricks, constitutionality, and public safety. a. Supermax prisons operate differently in the way they have to secure the prison and prisoner, and house them in solitary cells. Concearns that have been raised are thing s alike the condition of confinement, there is no safety cushion provided these criminals escape, psychological harm from the way they are housed, and medical conditions. )What are at least five of the major U. S. Supreme Court decisions affording rights to prisoners? a. Ruffun v. Commonweath, Turner v. Safley, Cooper V. Pate, Johnson V. Avery, and Bounds V. Smith are all cases affording rights to prisoners. 5) When and how did such decisions serve to destination the hands-off doctrine? a. They started in 1871 and they served to end the doctrine by proving that inmates should not entirely be derived from the constitution. )What is a direct supervision jail, and how does it differ in the design and function from traditional jails? a. A direct supervision jail is a new face on the old way of jails. It differs by physical environment, separating officer from inmate, allowing officers to have a direct hunt of sight, and softer furniture. 7)Why was the Prison Litigation Reform Act ena cted, and has it made an impact? a. It was enacted to provide resoutions for prison condition lawsuits and discourage abuse.It has made an impact by reducing inmate petitions. 8)In what major ways do jails differ from prisons in their organization and government activity? Assist with inmate reentry back into the community? a. They differ mainly through who looks oer them. Jails serve as agaents of change and have goals for assisting in reentry. 9)What are the primary functions of a jail administrator? a. They are law enforcers. 10)What are the advantages accrue to a corrections facility if it is accreditited? a.Advantages are having state of the art procedure, improving morale and professionalism and much more. 11)What are the various types of probation systems administered in the united states? Describe each. a. Juvenile which monitors juveniles on state municipal or county level, Municipal which is independent and is administered by the lower courts, county which functions under state law, state which is centralized and provides service throughout the state, state unite which is both probation and parole, and federal which is administered by the federal courts. 2)Should Probation services be placed within the judicial or executive branch of government? Defend your dissolver a. They should be placed with executive because they are in charge of carrying out the laws have to see who follows them or not. 13)What are the two basic models of parole administration? a. The two basic models of parole administration are the independent model and the consolidated model.

Saturday, May 25, 2019

The Greater Good of Society Verses Individualism

His ideas off the war state and nature state. He greatly believed in body politic and equality among human race. He believed in the three states of Democracy which are a state of equality, state of liberty, and a state of nature. Locke believed that one man comes by a power of another and in doing so creates a perfect society. Lockes view of society differs from the philosopher Thomas Hobb, but agree with Mill. He believes that a man in his natural state is constricted by laws, but could eventually do whatever he pleases.The state of nature is to ensure safety so the nature of war is ot reached, so no man will step out of his state and threaten another mans state. Also if the natural rights of freedom are disordered a state of war is reached. Locke views an individual to be more important than society. Individuals steer the way of which society is going, and where they will go. Because an individuals creates history, while humanity follows. For example Martine Luther office had one dream, this one mans view and opinion caused an outcry to America for change and change did come. If individuals state of nature or freedom there will be a state of war among man.In conclusion all three philosophers all had similar ideas. They all believed that an individual is greater than society. But is that necessarily correct. One man is more important than humanity, and humanity is beneath an individual. Mills concept of happiness virtually ruining the good of mankind. While Locke viewed mans safety of their natural state an meaty rule of mankind, which prevents the nature of war. The last philosopher Hobbs had an idea that in order for mankind to function, the individual most do two thing. One could together to form a common bound, and two, be completely happy. But who is more important, you or mankind?

Friday, May 24, 2019

Dangers of Refined Sugar

In 1957, Dr. William Coda Martin tried to answer the question When is a food a food and when is it a poison? His working definition of poison was Medically Any substance applied to the body, ingested or developed within the body, which causes or whitethorn cause disease. Physically Any substance which inhibits the activity of a catalyst which is a minor substance, chemical or enzyme that activates a reaction. 1 The dictionary gives an yet broader definition for poison to exert a harmful influence on, or to pervert.Dr. Martin classified refined cole as a poison because it has been scurvy of its life forces, vitamins and minerals. What is left consists of pure, refined carbohydrates. The body cannot utilize this refined starch and carbohydrate unless the depleted proteins, vitamins and minerals argon present. Nature supplies these elements in each plant in quantities sufficient to metabolize the carbohydrate in that particular plant. There is no excess for other added carbohydrates. Incomplete carbohydrate metabolism results in the wreakation of cyanogenetic metabolite such(prenominal) as pyruvic acid and ab mean(prenominal) pelfs containing five carbon atoms. Pyruvic acid accumulates in the brain and nervous system and the abnormal sugars in the red blood cells. These toxic metabolites interfere with the respiration of the cells. They cannot get sufficient oxygen to survive and function normally. In time, some of the cells die. This interferes with the function of a part of the body and is the beginning of degenerative disease. 2Refined sugar is lethal when ingested by humans because it provides only that which nutritionists describe as empty or naked calories. It lacks the natural minerals which are present in the sugar beet or cane. In addition, sugar is worse than nothing because it drains and leaches the body of precious vitamins and minerals through the demand its digestion, detoxification and elimination makes upon ones entire system. So essential is counterweight to our bodies that we have some(prenominal) ways to provide against the sudden shock of a heavy intake of sugar.Minerals such as sodium (from salt), potassium and magnesium (from vegetables), and atomic number 20 (from the bones) are mobilized and used in chemical transmutation neutral acids are produced which elbow grease to return the acid-alkaline balance factor of the blood to a more normal state. Recommended Reading The Health Dangers of Refined Sugar 7 Reasons Why Stevia is Better Than Refined Sugar 5 Health Dangers of High Fructose Corn syrup Sugar taken every day produces a continuously overacid condition, and more and more minerals are involve from deep in the body in the attempt to rectify the imbalance.Finally, in order to protect the blood, so much calcium is taken from the bones and teeth that decay and general weakening begin. Excess sugar eventually affects every organ in the body. Initially, it is stored in the liver in the form of glucose (glycog en). Since the livers capacity is limited, a daily intake of refined sugar (above the required amount of natural sugar) soon makes the liver expand like a balloon. When the liver is filled to its maximum capacity, the excess glycogen is returned to the blood in the form of fatty acids.These are taken to every part of the body and stored in the most noneffervescent areas the belly, the buttocks, the breasts and the thighs. When these comparatively harmless places are completely filled, fatty acids are then distributed among active organs, such as the heart and kidneys. These begin to slow down finally their tissues degenerate and turn to fat. The whole body is affected by their reduced ability, and abnormal blood pressure is created. The parasympathetic nervous system is affected and organs governed by it, such as the small brain, become inactive or paralyzed. Normal brain function is rarely thought of as being as biologic as digestion. ) The circulatory and lymphatic systems are in vaded, and the case of the red corpuscles starts to change. An overabundance of white cells occurs, and the creation of tissue becomes slower. Our bodys tolerance and immunizing power becomes more limited, so we cannot respond properly to extreme attacks, whether they be cold, heat, mosquitoes or microbes. spendthrift sugar has a strong mal-effect on the functioning of the brain.The key to orderly brain function is glutamic acid, a vital compound found in many vegetables. The B vitamins play a major role in dividing glutamic acid into antagonistic-complementary compounds which produce a proceed or control response in the brain. B vitamins are also manufactured by symbiotic bacteria which live in our intestines. When refined sugar is taken daily, these bacteria wither and die, and our stock of B vitamins gets very low. Too much sugar makes one sleepy our ability to calculate and remember is lost.

Thursday, May 23, 2019

Creative Writing Coursework: Armageddon

The live was dim. The st unrivalled walls were bring out and cold. In fact, the entire place was damp, the let come to the forerage and the ceiling the place was a dump. The smell of damp, urine and excre custodyt was present, there was an early(a) smell lingering too, an unusual smell. It was the sickly stench of dried note. In the room five men were seated around a outsized table, glaring at separately other.Brandon Cole walked through the darkness. After finishing expire he had decided to take the short route home. Brandon wrapped his arms around him. It was cold. The locomote of Brandons footsteps echoed through the narrow road. Brandon could see nothing it was pitch black, he squinted to try and see through the darkness. Brandon continued walking strike shore the stone road, he felt aboutthing squelch beneath his feet, he mutte reddened irritably to himself and grabbed his lighter from his pocket. He flicked the lid back and the lighter burst in to light, like a t iny explosion.The nice flame did hardly anything to improve Brandons vision against the darkness. Brandon bent down placing the lighter by his foot, squinting again. The smell hit him and Brandon recoiled quickly, the smell invaded his nostrils and for a fleeting second Brandon thought he was going to vomit. He spoke out loud Bloody dogs, crapping everywhere he fit(p) his foot down on the substructure and began scraping it, wiping away the filth.Brandon halt and pulled a cigarette from his pocket get it between his lips. He lit it and inhaled thick-skulledly, he left it a second then breathed out a long stream of silvery dark smoke. Brandon began walking again, he turned a corner and comprehend a small noise behind him, and Brandon spun around quickly. Probably that flaming dog, he thought. As Brandon turned back he adage the practice rest before him, saw it lunge forward, felt it bite his pick out. Brandon assay to shout for help and his throat felt constricted. Bran don swallowed hard and felt the teeth sink deeper into his neck. Brandon looked up and saw a shooting star. Make a wish. He blacked out.The five men in the room eyed severally other silently. The room was deathly silent. Each of the men was dressed in black suits, their smells pale. A tall spell sitting at the head of the table finally broke the silence How is the training programme coming along? he asked, his thick Russian evince was extremely noticeable. Silence. The Russian hu homo race lowered his head and sighed. The silence seemed almost palpable. A deafening roar and then a huge thud on the table finally broke the silence. The Russian creation glared around the room, silence enveloped over the room once again.An American man sat on the emplacement of the table began to speak Sir, the training plan is failing abysmally. We apologise. The American man held the Russian mans gaze for a few seconds. The American man knew the Russian man as Boran Yelstof. He was 27 years old , his hair was jet black and his eyes were a very pale grey colour. In the darkness of the room Boran could barely be seen. From the shadows BoranFinally say What about the other club? The American man grind Sir, that plan is going well. In fact its happening flop next doorsill now. He said these row slowly and confidently. Boran smiled bearing gleaming white teeth they seemed to penetrate the darkness of the room. Boran stood up Take me to the club. compensate murder The American man rose quickly and stumbled backwards. He turned and walked quickly to the door. It was almost time.Brandon woke up he felt a searing wound in his neck and placed his fingers on the wound. He sissed in pain as he touched it. He could taste his own blaststock in his mouth, it was congealed and some of it was dry. Brandon spat the pain in his neck intensified as the large mucoid spittle that was mixed with line exited his mouth and landed on the floor. Brandon placed a fade on his aching head and spat again. He massaged the bridge of his nose. He ran his tongue across his teeth to get the worst of the blood off them, Brandon felt a astutely pain on his tongue and felt blood begin to trickle from it. He placed his finger in his mouth to see what had caused the accident. His eyes opened with horror as he felt two sharp fang teeth. He shut his eyes and want fill his mind. Want for yet one thing. Human blood.The room was dull green in colour, on the floor adjust cardboard mats selotape held them down. Water could be seen leaking through the walls and the odour of damp was clearly present in the room. Boran looked around. Men were stood around the cardboard mats, shouting mindlessly. In the slew two men were fighting, the sound of blood splattering on the floor could be heard above the cheering. The sound of clinched fists smashing against bone could be easily heard. Boran smiled. Boran walked into the middle of the circle. The cheering stopped suddenly. Boran smiled, k icked off his shoes and took his tie off.He pointed to a stocky man from the crowd. Boran studied him carefully the half-light make it difficult to see. From what he could see Boran saw the man had platinum-blonde hair he had grey eyes and looked pretty strong. Boran pointed at the man at motioned for him to come into the circle. The man walked slowly and cautiously into the centre of the circle and stood opposite Boran. Boran raised his fists ready to fight.The blonde man clicked his fingers and raised his own fists. A whistle sounded and the fight began. Without wavering Boran forced his fist down as hard as he could on to the blonde mans nose, the snap of bone filled the room. The blonde man stumbled back blood erupted from his broken nose. Boran looked at his hand, blood was drippage from it, Boran stared at it looking deeply as if expecting an answer from the rosy fluid, and at long last he licked it, tasting the liquid. Boran smiled as the crowd roared on. The blonde man l ashed out at Boran, trying to hit him but before he could Boran drove his fist into the mans jaw.Once again he heard the snap of bone, the blonde man fell down in a heap. Boran raised his hand to silence the crowd and silence came quickly. Boran looked around the room and after what seemed like an infinity Boran began to speak Fellow friends. You are all alike, all feed on one thing. You are all vampires the words echoed through the dim room. Boran continued tomorrow I will post assignments through your doors. They essential be completed, if you fail to complete them then the sentence trailed off and Boran looked at the blonde man, his hair was red with blood now. Boran walked away, slithering his shoes on as he passed. As Boran opened the door to leave he turned and smiled Continue the deafening roar of cheering filled his ears once again.You kill the master, you kill them all the English accent filled the room the problem is that no one knows who the master is. Tyler Freeman stoo d up it was shift state in the small confines of the room. Tyler walked to the window and pulled it up, the air came in and Tyler sighed as the cool breeze hit his face. The sun was high and Tyler looked up at it for a second, he lowered his gaze and saw green lights dancing in front of him, he shut his eyes and rubbed them, trying to get the green flashes out of his head. The other men in the room were silent.Boran sat in the darkness he couldnt go outside. The day was always so boring it was like existence grounded. Boran closed his eyes, each assignment had been scripted. Boran sighed he was trying to sleep. He could do with a few hours of rest, yet sleep seemed to avoid Boran lately. He had heard of hunters keep around the area he was staying, they were his only fear, it wasnt because they could kill him it was simply because the vampire hunters could expose the vampire race, it would be awful. Boran looked at his watch, it was 147pm, he sighed. Boran stared at the dull, dam p walls, at the concrete floor and at the large wooden table. He shut his eyes again. He knew it was going to be a very long day.Brandon was sat at home, he glanced over at his wife and smiled Beth, come over here he said. Beth walked slowly over to him and sat on his knee. He smiled again. Brandon travel forward and placed his mouth on Beths, she responded quickly and fiercely, she probed her tongue into his parted lips. Brandon opened his mouth fully, pushing his tongue further into Beths mouth. Beth felt a sharp pain on her tongue and withdrew it quickly. She felt the blood oozing slowly from it. Brandon opened his mouth fully exposing the gleaming white fangs.Before Beth even had a chance to scream Brandon was upon her, he drove his sharp fangs into Beths neck ripping off skin and tearing muscle. Blood pumped from the wound and Brandon drank it, enjoying the taste. Brandon stood up, blood dripping down his chin. He stared across at the mirror no reflection stared back. Brandon s miled bring out bloodied teeth once again.Tyler had found the note on his desk about fifteen minutes ago yet he read it out loud like it was the firstborn time he had seen it. Scrawled on the note were the words nest ABONDONED WAREHOUSE-CALDICOT ROAD7pm TONIGHT. TYLER, BE THERE-ANON.Tyler knew of the warehouse, he remembered playing there as a kid. But who could have sent the note? The question gnawed at his mind and finally Tyler slammed his hand down on the desk and cursed. He knew he had to check it out. Tyler looked at the garner again and sighed. He would need to get a party together by at least five that evening. Tyler slipped the letter back into the envelope he wondered who was telling him where to go. Another scared him too the letter was written in blood.Boran had given up on sleep and instead decided to give his minions the assignments. He looked at the one on top of the pile. Boran had writtenAs you know I am Boran, the master. I, like you am a vampire. Yet I am diff erent, I am the master. I can withstand you. I do not work you hard so I feel you should thank me. I am asking you a favour, as I am worried. As you know hunters live in this part of the world and I have reason to believe that hunters are here searching for us. I ask you to become one of my army you will be treated well and with respect. So, if hunters do come in search of us we will be ready or at least I hope we will be. I am asking for your help and I hope you will be bold enough to help me.Thank youBoran.Boran smiled, he knew his followers would do this for him, they would do anything for him. They were mindless drones in his eyes. Boran smiled and slid the note under the door he had only three left. Boran looked around the corridor as he posted the letters it was the same dark green as the rest of the place. Boran looked at the wall, at where his shadow shouldve been. He laughed, a shadow was something he had never had, Boran had been a vampire in the womb He was the only on e that existed, that was how he had become the master.He remembered stand up over the last masters deathbed, he could remember the exact words spoken to him You are a pure bred vampire, you will be the next master. Boran, you will change history. You will hold Armageddon in your hands, I hope you will do us proud. Boran lowered his head, as of yet it had not come and Boran wondered if it ever would. Boran stared at the dull green glow of the light. It would soon be time it had to be.Brandon looked at the clock, it was 530pm. Next to Brandon was his wife. Beth sat unmoving. Brandon knew she was resting. He smiled thinly her blood had been amazing. A large crimson stain was soaked through the floor, Brandon licked his lips and smelled the coppery odour of her blood, he smiled and licked his lips.Beth stirred and Brandon glanced over at her, she was beautiful, her long brown hair, her deep blue eyes everything. Brandon stared at the steady rise and fall of her chest it seemed to int rigue Brandon. Suddenly, Beth woke up and began gasping for air, she screamed and it seemed to penetrate the stillness and silence of the room, like a prod being scraped down a chalkboard. Brandon looked at Beth and shouted Beth, whats wrong? a hint of fear sounded in his voice. Beth looked at him and pulled her tee shirt up revealing her flat stomach. Slashed across with perfect precision wasCome to the abandoned warehouse in Caldicot rd at 645 tonight. Beth, Brandon do not be lateYour MasterBoran.Beth looked at Brandon and he saw tears streaming down her cheeks, he swallowed hard and pointed at her stomach. Beth looked down. The words had disappeared.Tyler looked around the room and detect it was fully metal. The fluorescent lights cast a cold, bright glow over the room. The room was big, as Tyler paced the room he could hear his footsteps hitting the cold, metal floor. He looked at the pigeonholing of men standing before him, he didnt know any of them but that didnt matter. Ty ler faced them You know the rules Dont play hero, kill all vampires without hesitation and kill a member if the are bitten, Tyler raised his eyebrows Got it? he said. The five men all said Yes sir at the same time.Tyler ran an eye over each of each of them, checking they were properly equipped, Tyler nodded approvingly, there were no faults with any of the men. Tyler grabbed the four wooden steaks that lay on the table, his gun that was also on the table, fifteen boxes of ammo and a large silver samurai sword that hung on the wall. Tyler sucked in a deep breath and lowered his gaze, looking at his feet. Lets go he ordered, a note of mark in his voice. But there was something else in his voice tooFear Maybe?Tyler felt his stomach somersault and shut his eyes for a instruct second. He reached for the door.Boran opened his eyes and looked at his watch, it was 617pm, he had to prepare, he had to see who was willing to join his army. Boran rubbed his eyes, he had dropped off for a shor t time, he was still worrying about the vampire hunters, Boran feared for what might happen. Boran realised what he had to do, the task would be difficult but he must do it. Boran looked up at the wall, a small calendar was there, and he studied it. It was Thursday, Boran lowered his head he was leaving Friday, he wondered if something was going to happen before then. He hoped it wouldnt, Boran looked at his watch -Friday couldnt come soon enough.Beth and Brandon were sat in the car the drive would take about ten minutes. Luckily it had become quite dense and it was beginning to get dark, the light hurt both Brandon and Beths eyes. Beth rubbed her stomach, she was aware of a pain the came every now and then it was like someone kicking her there. She frowned and brought her hand away slowly. Brandon cast her a cursory glance but focused on the road when he realised she was ok. Beth looked at the clock, it told her that it was 630pm.Tyler checked each of his team again, they were re ady, so was Tyler. Mr. Freeman, what time do we leave, sir?, the voice came from the youngest looking of the men, Tyler reasoned he could be no more than twenty-two Ten minutes Tyler said. The van was small and the compartment where Tyler and his party were sat had everything, computers, video cameras, and phones. Tyler looked at the machinery and he spotted something. He bent down to see the object and he finally realised that it as a walkie-talkie.Tyler grabbed it and noticed many more lay beneath a small cloth, he picked up five and passed them to each man in the group These might come in handy said Tyler in an unmoving tone, he attached the two-way to his belt and checked his watch, it was 640pm. Tyler opened the back door of the van Lets go he ordered. The five other men followed Tyler. Across the street a car pulled up.Boran was stood still, behind him were the rest of the nest. Stood next to him was the American man, Boran looked at him Matthew, you must protect me. Ok? The A merican man looked at him and nodded, he looked forward again and shut his eyes a bead of perspiration ran down his face. one and only(a) word roared through his mindTRAITORBeth looked at Brandon and sighed Are you sure this is right? she asked. Brandon smiled Im sure he replied. Brandon looked across at the van parked on the other side and frowned Wonder what that is, it looks pretty high-tech Beth shrugged. Brandon sucked in a deep breath his stomach felt like it was somersaulting with nervousness. Beth frowned as a large pain in her stomach came and Brandon looked at her You ok? he asked, Beth looked at him and nodded. She rubbed her stomach, Its probably nothing she told him unconvincingly. The clock on the dashboard read 642pm Give it a minute said Brandon.Boran felt a presence a single bead of perspiration ran down his head. A knock on the door made him jump and he cursed. Silence. Another knock, Boran raised his hand to silence the already quiet men. Boran heard voices from outside the door and felt nervous. He noticed that some of the men had begun to move, they had been standing for quite a while, Boran clicked his fingers to silence the men again, it worked. Another knock came at the door and Boran felt his left knee begin to shake.The door crashed down and made a huge noise, it was intensified by the echo that it caused. both(prenominal) Boran and Tylers mouths dropped open as they saw each other Masters of the opposite sides Boran said trying to smile and look unafraid. Tyler glared at him Armageddon he whispered. In an instant Tyler raised his gun and he fired off three rounds, the recoil hurting the palm of his hand. The first bullet hit Matthew in the chest and he screamed in agony as the bullet tore through him, he managed to gurgle two words Im sorry, blood began to spill over his lip.The second bullet hit him in the side of his face and Tyler heard the crack of bone then saw his face rip off because of the force of the bullet. The third di agonal missed and hit the wall blasting a huge hole in it plaster and brick flew off in chunks from the wall hitting Boran and some of his followers. Boran, I could kill you so easily. Just one shot. Tyler chuckled to himself/ Boran felt the anger rising within him and he clenched his fists until his knuckles turned white with rage Tyler, you know what is supposed to happen when the two masters meet, Tyler glared at Boran and finally stated A fight to the death. Boran smiled Thats right Tyler. What Else? Tyler stared at Boran for what seemed be an eternity and managed to say Armageddon.Boran smiled and whispered Who too Tyler? Tyler stared down at the floor To the side that loses Tyler met Borans icy glare But its only hearsay, its never been proven he said this defensively, as if it would make Boran reconsider. Boran slipped off his shoes Tyler, theres only one way to find out. Fight me to the death. Tyler raised his gun and shot at Boran, the shot hit him in the elbow and he bello wed in pain as his lower arm was ripped away, he fell to the floor gripped his arm, it was pumping blood. Boran screamed one word Attack The entire army ran towards the five men. Tyler was about to fire again when he felt a large hand grip his shoulder, he turned his neck and raised his arm. It smashed the vampire in the face and it fell backwards.Tyler turned around and raised his sword, he brought it down with an amazing force on to the vampires head. Tyler heard the satisfying crack of bone and felt the blood of the vampire hit his face. He ripped the sword out of the vampires skull and swung it around him, it hit another(prenominal) vampire and chopped it completely off at the waist, the legs remained upright for a second then fell into a heap on the floor. Tyler jumped into the shadows and gripped the two-way. He press the small button on the side of it. Tyler spoke calmly into it Requesting backup in Caldicot Road warehouse.Quickly, this is a code blue emergency, there was a h iss of static then a voice from the other end Ok Tyler, I got that. Over and out. Tyler clipped the two-way back on to his belt and reached for his gun. He could hear the gunfire of his partners. At least they arent dead yet muttered Tyler. The gun was light and Tyler looked at it, he knew the technical specs of the gun very well and eventually found the button he sought. He pushed it and smiled, the gun was programmed to rapid-fire. Tyler stood up and raised the gun. He pulled and held the trigger.Brandon and Beth heard the gunfire from the warehouse and looked at each other. Brandon placed the pick up back in the ignition and started it up. Beth locked her door she looked out of the window and saw people running from the gunfire yet no be ran out of the warehouse. The deafening sound of gunfire drowned out the sound of screams and Beth closed her eyes, trying to ignore the sounds. The car began moving and Beth felt a sharp pain in her stomach, was it a exemplar to go back? She i gnored it and the car drove on.Tyler felt the recoil of the gun against the palm of his hand. He gritted his teeth and shut his eyes. He moved the gun from side to side hoping it was hitting something. Tyler heard the click of the gun showing that the magazine was empty. Tyler quickly ducked and slammed in another one. Immediately he stood up and began spark again. Bodies were scattered across the floor and blood was spattered on the walls and ceiling, it was pumping from the bullet-ridden bodies oozing on to the floor. Tyler heard screams in the maintain but kept his finger pulled down on the trigger. Tyler felt the gun stop flak and ducked back into the shadows, he reloaded but stayed down for a second this time. He heard sirens in the distance and smiled.Boran had managed to get away and now he stood in the filthy infirmary wrapping what remained of his arm. Boran saw a rat scuttle across the filthy floor of the infirmary. Boran rubbed the perspiration from his pale face. Was it over, or was it just beginning? Boran clenched his only fist and swiped at the mirror that was in the room, as it cracked he saw the room reflected at least xii times, but no reflection. Boran walked out of the room, sweat was soaking his back and armpits. whiz word raced through his mind and refused to leave. Armageddon.The firing had stopped the agonising wails of pain had stopped. Tyler came up from the shadows and saw twelve men it was the back up team. Hey guys. They all dead? Tyler pointed in the direction of one of the vampires. The twelve men of the backup team looked at Tyler Hey Tyler, what the hell happened here? Tyler looked at the men What does it look like? Silence. Tyler looked at the spot where Boran had been lying Oh Christ he murmured. Tyler heard the massive crash of the door and raised his gun. He fired three rounds at the figure that stood in the doorway and each shot hit it. The figure began walking towards Tyler. Finally the dim light spread across the be ings face Boran Tyler muttered. Boran smiled Hello Tyler he whispered.Tyler threw his gun away Fine, a fight to the death Both men ran at each other and as Boran lashed out with one powerful fist Tyler fell to the floor, ducking from the fatal blow. Boran cursed and stopped himself from running. Tyler pulled himself up and grabbed one of the wooden steaks from his belt. Tyler heard Boran running up behind him and shut his eyes tight. In one swift purport Tyler was up and had spun his whole body round, the wooden steak came around in his hand, it ripped through Borans skin, muscle and bone and finally pierced his heart.Boran felt one moment of searing pain and then it subsided to nothingness, Boran could feel himself slipping away in to unconsciousness.In to death.Boran opened his mouth and blood began to trickle from it, running down his chin and splashing on the floor, like tiny crimson pools. Boran tried to speak but found it almost impossible, he could only focus on one word. He coughed up more blood and tried to speak again AAr. Tyler glared at him coldly and finally whispered Armageddon.Darkness enveloped the earth it was like the entire world had been covered by a huge blanket. People stared up in both disbelief and fear. Vampires everywhere began to fall, wither away and slide in to oblivion, into an eternal sleep. The darkness seemed to grow great and an icy wind ran chills through the soul of everybody. The darkness seemed impenetrable.The body of Boran fell to the ground and Tyler opened his own eyes. An icy chill ran through him. It was over. Weve won. The world is ours. The twelve men looked at each other confusedly, not understanding what Tyler was saying. Tyler looked outside and the darkness began to dissipate, blue skies took over the world again.The darkness faded away into nothingness. One thought was on Tylers mind. Who had sent him the note? The thought hit Tyler suddenly and he gasped. He bent down at the body of Boran and pushed his han d in to Borans bloodied pocket. Nothing. Tyler walked over to Matthew and searched his pockets inside one of the trouser pockets was note, it was written in blood Tyler smiled at the words scrawled on it.I AM A TRAITOR. I AM SORRY-ANON.Tyler knew it was the same man. The guy had been a right hand man and a traitor. Tyler laughed. The man who he had first shot and killed had actually helped him. Tyler heard movement behind him and raised his gun, ready to fire. The members of his own party came from the shadows Hey Sir. We dived back here when you nearly shot us. Sorry. Tyler laughed and walked off. One word boomed through Tylers mind. Armageddon.The body of Beth Cole lay on the operating table. She, like many others had died when the darkness had come. Beth was different though. She had been pregnant. When the doctors had found her a case had taken place, Beth was hooked up to a life check machine to keep her baby alive. Although her brain was dead technology could keep her body w orking normally. She had been lying on the bed for two months and the doctors had taken tests that showed the baby would be perfect.The tests had proved to be right, the baby had been born less than thirty minutes ago and it was fine. Beth Cole had given birth to a perfectly sanguine baby boy. The doctors were stood around Beths bed waiting for the leading doctor to pull the plug that would stop her body from working, finally he did. The body of Beth Cole was taken the morgue. Her baby lay in his incubator waiting for attention. More tests needed to be run on him and he could not wait for those to be completed. He was thirsty and wanted only one thing, he wanted to taste the sweet flavour of human blood. The baby began to cry.

Wednesday, May 22, 2019

Semi- Detailed Lesson Plan

SOCIAL DIMENSIONOF EDUCATION ARTICLE21 SOCIAL SCIENCE THEORIES OF EDUCATION reproduction is one of the major institutions that constitute partnership. There argon mixed various social science theories that relate to education. These are consensus, skirmish, structural functionalist and inter exploitist theories. Conflict theory passels with the emergence of conflict within a particular human society and the larger issue for this theory is the role the education plays in arresting the prestige, power and economic and social position of the dominant group in society.The conflict theorists are interested in how societys institution like family, government, religion, education, and the media may help to maintain the privileges of some groups and keep others in subservient position. The Consensus theory is seen as the equilibrium state of society based on a general or widespread agreement among altogether members of a particular society. This theory in which social order and stabili ty/ social regulation form the base emphasis. It emerged out of the society of social order and social stability / social regulation.The consensus and conflict theories are reflected in the works of certain dominant social theorist such as Karl Marx, Emile Durkheim, Max Weber and other social theorist. Structural functionalism is c at one timern with the functions of schooling in the maintenance of social order. It asserts the society is made up of different institutions or organizations that work together in cooperation to achieve orderly kin and to maintain social order and social stability.It has four functional imperatives for all action system- ADAPTATION,GOAL ATTAINMENT, INTERGRATION, LATENCY- to be used at all levels of theoretical system ( includes action system, personality system social system and cultural system). Interactionist theory about the congress of school and society are critiques and extension of the functionalist and perspectives. Symbolic interactionism is interested non simply in socialization but in interactions between scholars and school-age childs and between students and teachers. All types of interactions refine our ability to think.It views the self as socially constructed in relation to social forces and structures. The learners are necessary to examine individual decisions in the context of a set of needs, preferences an individual has and values they seek. The critical decision process must be regarded as a continuous process integrated in the interaction with the environment. The analysis of individual decisions is concerned with the logic of decision making and reason and the invariant choice it leads to. 2Structural Functionalism amazes 7 main assumptions. These assumptions focus on several levels of analysis society, community, individual, social unit (e. . family, organizations) Systems have a property of order and an mutuality of parts oSocieties and social units are held together by cooperation and orderlines s Systems tend toward self-maintaining order, or equilibrium oSocieties and social units work best when they function smoothly as an organism, with all parts working toward the natural or smooth working of the system The system may be static or involved in an ordered process of change The nature of one part of the system has an impact on the form that the other parts can take Systems maintain boundaries within their environments Natural (external) environments are dampen but adapt to each other.The same dynamic occurs within societies and/or social units if one or more parts significantly conflicts with others, others must adapt Allocation and integration are two fundamental processes necessary for a gives state of equilibrium within a system oDivision of labor and positions help maintain balance each part interrelates to create efficiency and harmony the most cap fitting individuals must be propel to fill the most important roles/positions Systems tend toward self-maintenance i nvolving control of boundaries and relationships of parts to the whole, control of the environment, and control of tendencies to change the system from within You, the Teacher, as a Person in Society To become a teacher is no joke your influence on your students and on the people with whom you work and put out depends a great deal on your philosophy as a person and as a teacher.The teacher philosophy in invigoration and our philosophy of education serve as your window to the world and compass in the sea of life. The teacher teaches the basic knowledge, skills and attitudes (KSA)-paragon of values. Why teach? 1. Reshape the society in an instant 2. Education in charge of change 3. Reformed the people through education 4. Transmit the traditional moral values and intellectual knowledge 5. Teach the children to become pose in the community 6. Teachers are loco-parentis of the students. Teaching may not be a laucratic position. It cannot guarantee financial security. It even essence investing your personal time, energy, and resources.Sometimes it means disappointments, heartaches and pains. But touching the hearts of people and opening minds of children can give you joy and contentment which money could not buy. These are the moments we teach for. These are the moments we live for. A teacher is a facilitator of acquire and of the exploitation of the youth. He shall, therefore, render the best services by providing environment conducive to such learning and ontogeny quoted by Code of Ethics of Professional Teacher Article 3. These Pillars of Education are crucial to public security and mutual earning. They emphasize the value of education as a manifestation of the spirit of unity.These stern from the will to live together as active members of a global village and contribute to attainment of a culture of peace. LEARNING TO KNOW- that is acquiring the instruments of understanding. It implies learning how learn by developing ones concentration, memory skills, and ability to think. If the teacher has been helping students to develop their skills that would make them independent learners, you are doing well on the first pillar of education because you have prepared them for life in the knowledge society in which we all now live. A truly educated person nowadays needs a broad general education and opportunity to study a dinky number of subjects in depth. LEARNING TO DO- represents the skillful, creative and discerning application of knowledge.One must learn how to think creatively, critically, and how to deeply understand the information that is presented. LEARNING TO LIVE-together in peace and harmony requires that quality of relationship at all levels is committed peace, human rights, democracy, and social justice in the ecology sustainable environment. LEARNING TO BE- refers to the role of Education in developing all dimensions of complete parson the physical, intellectual, and ethical integration of individual into a complete man. Why teach? So that students will understand that they are unique person who are willing to accept responsibility based on their thoughts, feelings, and aspiration. What to teach?Open to wide option, let explore by giving activities, they have unique personality, provide students vicarious experiment, to unleash their own creativity and self-expression, they have focus upon the actions of historical individual, they encourage vocational courses, learning is self-paced, autonomous and values clarification. Addressing Students Needs Students of Different Backgrounds quoted in Adapted with permission from Shari Saunders and Diana Kardia Center for Research on Learning and Teaching, University of Michigan, adapted from Chism et al. , 1992. It is vital that you view every student as a unique individual regardless of the students cultural background, while at the same time respecting multiple cultural heritages and their impact on learning styles and classroom expectations.This is not a simp le task, and there is no simple way to accomplish it. You cannot be prepared for every possible situation that efficiency arise. Instead, focus on being open to different perspectives, being aware of stereotypes and prejudiced behavior in your class, and being ready to help every student in your class become engaged in the worldly and learn. For instance, you would do well to try incorporating the achievements of Latino scientists into your curriculum to encourage and inspire Latino students. However, if the sexual climax appears to be an act of tokenism, some of your students might feel as if they are being singled out or patronized.A better approach is to try and make the material relevant to students of many backgrounds whenever possible even if your class does not contain every single demographic. Such an approach will benefit all of your students in expanding their knowledge and perspective. You also should remember that the fact that a student is African American does not mean she or he will be able to or desire to speak about famous African Americans in science. Allowing students to express their views is beneficial whenever possible, but you should never expect someone to speak for their people. all student is a different person, and should only be asked to speak for him or herself. Factors Affecting Social Development TERM PAPER IN PROF.ED 3 IN PARTIAL FULLFILLMENT OF THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE COURSE SOCIAL DIMENSIONS IN EDUCATION SY 2012-2013 (2ND SEMESTER) Presented to Mrs. Consuelo C. Abadiez Instructor By Patrocinio Cael Gamboa Jr. There are cultural changes that influence the behavior and ways of life of the people in different countries throughout the world such as Multiculturalism and students subcultures. Teachers one of the best position to understand and recognize that students have diverse cultural backgrounds and can adapt their instruction to meet these diverse learning needs Factors Affecting Social Development By C. Seefeldt Pearso n. Allyn Bacon Prentice Hall Childrens development of social skills is affected by the nature of their family and early educational experiences (NRC, 2001).Whether in a nuclear, blended, or extended family a communal arrangement or a single-parent family, the child learns social patterns and skills within this context. Children find love and security and form attachments with people who protect and care for them. In the family, children become socialized through interactions with parents, siblings, relatives, and neighbors once in a school setting, they need new ways of acting, relating, and socializing. Children who have had a strong attachment to a nurturing figure and see themselves as separate from this nurturing figure are ready for a group situation. Children who have not fully developed strong attachments to another person may have a more difficult time adjusting to the complexity of the social system of the school.

Tuesday, May 21, 2019

Journal of Occurrences

During the time that capital of Massachusetts was under seize and the British soldiers controlled the American colonies Samuel Adams took a stand and used the diary of Occurrences to influence the retraction of the British soldier and start a revolution in Colonial Boston by showing how media can play a big role and also influence society with propaganda. Samuel Adams was a writer and publisher of the Journal of Occurrences also tell apart as Journal of the times and Journal of Transactions in Boston. The Journal sprung up after the arrival of the British soldiers in the colonial town of Boston.Oliver Morton Dickerson compiling program of A Journal of the Times in the book Boston under Military Rule points taboo the arrival of the British soldiers So we now perceive Boston surrounded at a time of profound peace, with about 14 ships of war, with springs on their cables, and their broadsides to the town (1). The initial approach of the British soldiers would spark inflammation flags in any colony especially if approached with war ships which would raise questions to why they are actually there. As John K.Alexander author of American Revolution Politicians points out As Adams predicted the soldiers caused more difficulties and tumults than they stopped (68). The presence of the soldiers and the many problems they caused provided Adams and his fellow Whigs ample material to fashion propaganda (Alexander 68). The first come of the Journal appeared in the October 13 New-York Journal and covered the period from September 28 through October 2 (Alexander 68). There for after the New-York Journal had an installment of the Journal of Occurrences. Samuel Adam was a skillful writer even before the Journals were produces barely he used them as an opportunity to speak out against the soldiers and the British government as a whole. The Journal of Occurrences concentrate on the many grievances that grew out of the military presence in Boston (Alexander 69) and Willi am M. Fowler, Jr. author of Samuel Adams Radical Puritan point out in issue, date 13 October 1768, the authors claimed that everything contained in its pages was strictly fact (90). All of the events in the Journal lacked evidence or proof of the incident, while also never mentioning names, which in todays media would be considered unacceptable and most likely wouldnt be published. The first was the incalculable ham being done to the innocent citizens of Boston by despicable soldiers (Fowler 91). There where claims of soldiers beating citizens in the streets a tradesman on his way home had a thrust in the breast with a knife from a soldier (Fowler 91). On another occasion when a household hearing the cries of two women in the night, who were rudely treated by soldiers, tried to pick out to their aid, he was knocked down with a musket and much wounded (Fowler 91). Later claims from the north end of Boston bought chargers of rape against a soldier who escaped (Fowler 91). This wa s tabloid news media at its sensational best (Fowler 91). The second themes that were found in the Journal were the other agents of the king mainly the commissioners of the customs.During the colonial times it wasnt uncommon for semipolitical figures to use their power to get what they wanted but they couldnt stop the Journal from being printed. With their near vice regal authority, the commissioners could act outside the practice structure of colonial government (Fowler 91). Not loathe to use their power to reward friends and punish enemies, the commissioners were an easy target for the Journal (Fowler 91). Nearly every issue discredited both of the law and the enforcement officials (Fowler 91). In the pages of the Journal Bostonians were always innocent the commissioners were always guilty (Fowler91). This media tactic helped influenced most of the colonial people regardless of whether it was trustworthy or not the Journals caught the attention of the common people. As Rod ger Streitmetter author of Mightier than the Sword points out Adams conceived of what became Americas first systematic gathering and distributing of news- a predecessor of todays Associated Press (10).The articles and issues of the Journal of Occurrences raised the tension between citizens in Colonial Boston and soldiers in the British Army The descriptions of improper manner by British force became popular readings- as the blood pressure of the colonists continued to rise (Streitmetter12). Six months after the attitude toward the soldier grew so exorbitant that even the British officials caved in and realized that the presence of four regiments were making things worst instead of helping. In August 1769 the British officials decided to withdraw the troops. Adams and his journalistic strategy had triumphed magnificently (Streitmetter13). The Journal of Occurrences then ceased operation after It had produced some 300 individual entries one for each day during the ten months tha t British troops had been stationed in Boston (Streitmetter13). In our society today the media has a big input on our society as it did during the 18th century. The Journals were effective in ridding Boston of unwanted British soldiers and in gaining support for Adams and his radical notions (Streitmetter13). Its amazing that the people in colonial Boston never questioned the stories they read in the Journals but embraced them and took them for truth without in solid proof of the account. Thou you would think truth would be considered a factor, propaganda and writing for the audience help the Journal of Occurrences influence colonial Boston society. As propaganda the Journal was a phenomenal success (Fowler 92). The papers were produced in Boston and printed in New York. The stories of the Boston incidents were produced in papers such as the Pennsylvania Chronicles and was sent through all the colonies and even spread to the London papers.All in all the Journals not only influence d the people in colonial Boston but when stories of the town were spread it influenced America. Bostonians were brave and stoic citizens defiantly standing in defense of the rights of all Americans (Fowler 92). The Journal of Occurrences stories helped in the retraction of the British soldiers while giving the citizens of colonial Boston means to stand up and fight against the stationing of British soldiers in their city, overall staging a revolution in Boston as well as showing how media along with propaganda could affect society.

Monday, May 20, 2019

Forensic Science Mod 12 Review Essay

1. What is a comparison microscope? What are the advantages of this microscope? A comparison Microscope is 2 microscopes in one it allows you to suppose 2 slides at once. This is a huge advantage because it allows you to compare evidence with known sample. 2. What are the trey substances that generally bring forth up samara? Describe all(prenominal) part. The three substances that generally make up paint are Pigments, Binders and Solvent. Pigments are what produce a particular color of paint. Binders are what provide abide for the paint and the solvent is what makes the paint into a liquid. 3. What are polymers?Polymers are substances that are made up of many a(prenominal) atoms that form in repeating patterns. 4. What is a scanning electron microscope? What are its advantages? The scanning electron microscope is a microscope that works by shooting beams of electrons at the slide and recording the emissions of the electrons. One advantage is that it has much kick downstairs m agnification than other microscopes 5. What is the PDQ? What is it used for?The PDQ also known as the Paint Data Quarry is a database that allows some forensic labs to compare automobile paint to narrow down the paint color to the make and model of a car.Critical Thinking Questions1. What are some of the challenges for forensic scientists in dealing with quality evidence? Some challenges for Forensic Scientists dealing with fibers are that they have to find these tiny pieces of evidence. 2. What does it mean if a paint sample matches a known sample from a vehicle? Does this indicate the same origin? Why or why not?3. Why are microscopes central to forensic scientists?Microscopes are important to forensic science because it allows us to compare and analyze evidence such as trace evidence. 4. What elements of paint can help forensic scientists compare samples to each other? Paint samples can be compared to each other by comparing the three core products the Which are pigments which are added to make a certain color? Another is theBinder which provides support to the paint and Solvents which are there to disperse these substances.

Sunday, May 19, 2019

Cells Study Guide Biology

Soon of existing cubicles. Janet Plow demonstrated that the cadre membrane is a somatogenetic structure, not an interface between two liquids. Lynn Amaryllis proposed the idea that certain organelles were once free living themselves. electric cell Theory All living things be composed of cells. Cells are the basic units of structure and function in living things. New cells are produced from existing cells. 2 Types of Cells Eukaryote are cells that keep nuclei. They contain a nucleus in which their genetic material is separated from the rest of the cell.Prokaryote are cells that do not contain nuclei. They have genetic material the at is not contained in a nucleus. Section An organelle is a specialized structure that performs important cellular function eons within an eukaryotic cell. A plant cell has a cell wall and a cell membrane while a animal cell has just a c ell membrane. Organelles Nucleus Contains move uply all the cells DNA & with it the coded instructions for making pr oteins & another(prenominal) important molecules. (Both) Ribosome small particles of RNA & proteins found throughout the cytoplasm m. Proteins are assembled on ribosome.Both) Endoplasmic Reticulum ingrained membrane system, the site where lipid come moments of the cell membrane are assembled, along with proteins and other materials that are e exported from the cell. (Both) Googol apparatus modifies, sorts and packages proteins & other materials from the ERE for storage in the cell or secretion outside the cell. (Both) polished small organelles filled with enzymes. Breaks d sustain lipids, carboy drapes & proteins into small molecules that can be used by the rest of the cell. in like manner involved in b reeking down organelles that have outlived their usefulness.A) Vacuoles sickle structures that store materials such as water, salts, proteins and carbohydrates. (P) Mitochondria organelles that convert the chemical energy stored in food into compounds that are more convenient for the cell to use. enwrap by two membranes (outer and inner) (Both) Chloroplasts organelles that capture the energy from sunlight and convert it I onto chemical energy in a process called photosynthesis. (Plant) Cytoplasm portion of the cell outside the nucleus. (Both) Cytokines network of protein filaments that helps the cell to maintain its shape.The cytokines is besides involved in movement. The two principal protein filament s that make up the cytokines are nonconformists and microbes. (Both) Centurion iodin out of two tiny structures located in the cytoplasm of animal CE ASS near the nuclear envelope. (A) Cell Membrane Regulates what enters & leaves the cell & also provides proto action & patronise. (Both) Cell Wall provides support and protection for the cell. (P) Both chloroplasts and mitochondria are surrounded by two membranes. The y both contain their own genetic info in the form of small DNA molecules.

Saturday, May 18, 2019

Support Individuals to Maintain Personal Hygiene

Elements of competence HSC420. 1 Raise aw arness of the value of empty opportunities and activities for individuals HSC420. 2 Negotiate and agree untenanted opportunities and activities for individuals Ab out(a) this kindly unit For this unit you exit postulateiness to promote opportunities for individuals to enrol in void activities. Scope The scope is here to give you guidance on possible lands to be covered in this unit of measurement. The landmarks in this section give you a list of options linked with items in the surgical operation criteria.You need to provide essay for any(prenominal) option related to your work area. Awareness aerodynamic lift audiences sports and recreation associations employers associations local government planners participation self-help groups governors trustees personaholders the general public. Communicate using the individuals like spoken language the use of signs symbols pictures writing objects of reference communication pass ports other non verbal forms of communications merciful and technological aids to communication. Leisure activities related to hobbies interests sports (as a spectator or participant) entertainment (e. g. ccess to the theatre or visiting theatre groups), socialising (e. g. eating out, talking to others about the old days). They may take plant within or outside the awe environment. People and organisations who are suitable and able to provide void opportunities and activities include those who organise or provide recreation and waste activities in the care setting (e. g. care workers, entertainers) those who provide unemployed activities for the general public (e. g. theatres, swimming pools, sports centres) those who provide leisure activities for specific groups within the community (e. g. Womens Institute, youth workers).Your association and understanding for this Unit will relate to legal requirements and codes of practice relevant to the scope of your work and that of ot hers with whom you work your role, the level of responsibility you have within your organisation to manage activities to procure an optimum service the depth and b demandth of understanding that will enable you carry out your subscriber line role and support others to perform competently the need to be able to solve problems and resolve conflicts the need to be able to evaluate, assess situations and act appropriately systems and processes within your give birth and across other organisations and the need for you to be able to work in collaboration with individuals1 Values underpinning the whole of the Unit The values underpinning this Unit have been derived from the key purpose statement2, the statement of expectations from carers and pile receiving services, relevant service standards and codes of practice for health and social care in the four UK countries. If you are working with children and young people they endure be appoint in the principles of Care Unit HSC44.If you are working with adults they can be found in HSC45. To achieve this Unit you must demonstrate that you have applied the principles of care outlined in either Unit HSC44 or HSC45 in your practice and through your knowledge. express Requirements for the Unit It is essential that you adhere to the Evidence Requirements for this Unit please see details overleaf. SPECIFIC Evidence Requirements for this unit Simulation Simulation is NOT permitted for any part of this unit. The following forms of grounds ARE mandatory Direct Observation Your tax assessor or an right witness must observe you in real work activities which provide a significant measurement of the performance criteria for most of the elements in this unit. For example how you were able to make and develop consanguinitys with individual people for whom you are providing care, which enabled you to advise on and promote leisure opportunities and activities. wistful Account/professional handleion You should descri be your actions in a particular situation and explain why you did things. For example you could write about the ways you ca-ca opportunities to advise and inform individuals and groups of the benefits an active lifestyle holds, explaining what research and reading you used and how you selected appropriate teaching to share with others. Competence of performance and knowledge could as well be demonstrated using a variety of secern from the following Questioning/professional discussion May be used to provide evidence of knowledge, legislation, policies and procedures which cannot be fully evidenced through direct observation or hypothesiseive accounts. In addition the assessor/ skillful witness may also ask questions to clarify aspects of your practice. technological determine A designated expert witness may provide direct observation of practice, questioning, professional discussion and feedback on reflective accounts. Witness Testimony Can be a confirmation or authent ication of the activities described in your evidence which your assessor has not seen. This could be provided by a work colleague, individuals or other key people. Products These can be any record that you would usu altogethery use within your normal role e. g. communication records, reports and records proceeding of hearings, policies and procedures, etc. You need not put confidential records in your portfolio, they can remain where they are normally stored and be checked by your assessor and internal verifier. If you do include them in your portfolio all call and identifying information must be removed to ensure confidentiality. These may also be assignments/projects For example from HNC, O. U. courses. You could also use evidence of previous in-house training courses/programmes you have completed showing professional development. GENERAL counselor Prior to commencing this unit you should agree and complete an assessment plan with your assessor which details the assess ment methods you will be using, and the tasks you will be undertaking to demonstrate your competence. Evidence must be provided for ALL of the performance criteria ALL of the knowledge and the parts of the scope that are relevant to your job role. The evidence must reflect the policies and procedures of your workplace and be linked to current legislation, values and the principles of best practice within the Care Sector.This will include the National Service Standards for your areas of work and the individuals you care for. All evidence must relate to your own work practice. Knowledge specification for this unit Competent practice is a combination of the application of skills and knowledge informed by values and ethics. This specification details the knowledge and understanding call for to carry out competent practice in the performance described in this unit. When using this specification it is important to read the knowledge requirements in relation to expectations and requi rements of your job role. You need to provide evidence for ALL knowledge points listed below.There are a variety of ways this can be achieved so it is essential that you read the knowledge evidence section of the Assessment Guidance. You need to show that you know, understand and can reach in practice go far Evidence Numbers Values 1 The ways in which stereotyping, discrimination and stigmatisation might profess risk assessment and how to guard against this. 2 How to apply the principles of equality, diversity and anti-discriminatory practice to your work. Legislation and organisational policy and procedures 3 The specific legislation, guidelines of good practice, charters and service standards which relate to the work being undertaken, and the impact of this on the work. 4 The heart and soul which Health and Safety legislation may have on the leisure opportunities and activities promoted. 5 The boundaries and limits of your role in terms of promoting leisure op portunities and activities, particularly in respect of the level of risk involved. 6 The role of the confidence and its services and how they relate to other agencies and services in the sector. 7 The agencys policy and procedures regarding confidentiality of information and the disclosure of information to third parties, and the specific circumstances under which disclosure may be made. 8 Any particular factors relating to the agencys policies and practices which affect the work undertaken. 9 Your own role and responsibilities and from whom helper and advice should be sought if you are unsure. Theory and practice 10 The role which recreation and leisure plays in the health and well-being of individuals. 11 The effects of the therapeutic value or stimulation provided by leisure activities. 12 Evidence based practice in promoting leisure opportunities and activities to meet individual unavoidably and how to apply this evidence to your own work. 13 Methods of recording information and encouraging interest in and about the role of leisure, in meeting individuals needs and promoting well-being. 14 The particular difficulties that individuals may face in pursuance leisure opportunities and activities. You need to show that you know, understand and can apply in practice Enter Evidence Numbers 15 National and local schemes and agencies (statutory, private and voluntary) which are involved in providing, promoting or creating leisure opportunities and activities, for whom they are designed and how to entre them. 16 The range of local leisure opportunities and activities, the forms these take, who they are aimed at and how to access them. 17 The potential concerns which people and organisations may have about providing leisure opportunities and activities for individuals, why it is important to cognize their concerns and how to offer information to help them make informed decisions. 18 How to gauge the level of int erest and talent of people and organisations who may offer leisure opportunities and activities to individuals. 19 How to alter communication when working with antithetic individuals and representatives of different agencies. 20 The options for promoting leisure opportunities and activities and which are the most appropriate options for the people and organisations concerned. 21 Methods for assessing and managing risk. 22 Methods of evaluating your own competence, find when further support and expertise are needed, and the measures to take to improve your own competence in this area of work. HSC420. 1Raise awareness of the value of leisure opportunities and activities for individuals Performance criteria DO RA EW Q P WT 1 You identify, contact, meet and communicate appropriately with people and organisations to establish their interest in the value of leisure activities for individuals. 2 You present clear, accurate and relevant information to awareness raising audiences about (a) the relationship between and benefits that appropriate leisure activities can bring to individuals (b) the impact of discrimination, oppression and social exclusion on individuals (c) ways of offering leisure opportunities and activities to individuals 3 You give people the opportunity to ask questions and confirm their understanding of the information provided. 4 You anticipate further support and advice in areas that are outside your expertise to deal with. 5 You refer people and organisations who need information and advice that is outside your expertise to provide, to other appropriate sources. 6 You challenge constructively attitudes and doings which are ill informed, misguided, abusive or discriminatory. 7 You identify and encourage people and organisations to become champions in the provision of leisure opportu nities and activities for individuals and support them to raise the awareness of other people and organisations. HSC420. Negotiate and agree leisure opportunities and activities for individuals Performance criteria DO RA EW Q P WT 1 You encourage people and organisations to consider their energy and any reasonable adjustments that they could make, to enable them to offer individuals leisure opportunities and activities. DO = Direct ObservationRA = Reflective AccountQ = Questions EW = Expert Witness P = Product (Work)WT = Witness Testimony HSC420. Negotiate and agree leisure opportunities and activities for individuals (cont) Performance criteria DO RA EW Q P WT 2 You evaluate the willingness and ability of people and organisations to provide leisure opportunities and activities for individuals. 3 You identify people and organisations who are suitable and able to provide leisure opportunities and activities. 4 You examine with people and organisations who are suitable and able to provide leisure opportunities and activities (a) the potential challenges and rewards (b) any resources which will be required 5 You clearly explain your role and responsibilities to people and organisations who can provide leisure opportunities and activities. 6 You discuss and agree with people and organisations that have agreed to offer leisure opportunities and activities (a) the number of individuals they are able to provide for (b) the type of leisure opportunities and activities they are able to offer (c) any reasonable restrictions on those o whom the opportunities would be made available (d) any reasonable adjustments (beyond those that are legally required), they will need to make and who will resource and make the adjustments 7 You confirm agreements in writing and take appropriate act ions to enable the leisure opportunities and activities to be accessed. 8 You record and report processes and outcomes within confidentiality agreements and according to legal and organisational requirements. DO = Direct ObservationRA = Reflective AccountQ = Questions EW = Expert Witness P = Product (Work)WT = Witness Testimony To be completed by the Candidate I SUBMIT THIS AS A COMPLETE UNIT Candidates gens Candidates signature .. Date .. To be completed by the Assessor It is a share esponsibility of both the candidate and assessor to claim evidence, however, it is the responsibility of the assessor to ensure the accuracy/validity of each evidence claim and make the final decision. I certify that sufficient evidence has been produced to meet all the elements, pcS AND KNOWLEDGE OF THIS UNIT. Assessors promise . Assessors signature . Date .. Assessor/ midland Verifier Feedback To be completed by th e Internal Verifier if applicable This section only needs to be completed if the Unit is sampled by the Internal Verifier Internal Verifiers name Internal Verifiers signature .. Date .. .. 1 If you are working with children and young people the term individuals covers children and young people and key people covers parents, families, carers, friends and others with whom the child/young person has a supportive relationship 2 The key purpose identified for those working in health and social care settings is to provide an integrated, ethical and inclusive service, which meets agreed needs and outcomes of people requiring health and/or social care